Siobhan Davies Dance day!

As part of the D-Traces project, the first year dance students got to workshop with some of the dancers from SD's company. We underwent many improvisational tasks and drew scores, to choreography phrases. The last task was to take these phrases and perform them to different word qualities and see how the word would effect the movement.

We used this poem to inspire a movement phrase-

How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course,
the air was in the early morning,
like the flap of a wave,
the kiss of a wave,
chill and sharp and yet.

From this I took such words as; fresh, kiss, chill. The next thing to do was to improvise remembering to embody the image. From this I created a phrase, this led to drawing scores of others' phrases exactly how we saw them.

This is the score I drew of a phrase created by a girl called Iona.

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