First day of intensives today..... definitely challenging, but very enjoyable. Matthias himself is a very complex and intellectual thinker...meaning that scores have many layers to think about all at once. At the start of the day i'd thought I'd never get it, because I would think in depth about one layer of the score and forget the others....but apparently it comes with time...!! Hope so!
My favorite score was Ready, Fire, Aim.....where we would prepare like a and perform a move with all our 100 trillion cells....alll concerned with getting the perfect score/move! .....3 moves performed across the space in one go and the scores varying in opposite ends of seriousness, shapes, intensity etc...
Images from superheros saving the work score.....
Oh yes I also enjoyed READY FIRE AIM. Not having to think about what is coming,but accepting and allowing that impact to come through with no thought.